Deliflor Chrysanten & Flower Circus Celebrate Chrysanthemum Day

September 8, 2020 Deliflor Chrysanten

September 9 is Chrysanthemum Day. Deliflor uses this special chrysanthemum day to organize an online show and demonstrate which beautiful arrangements can be made with this versatile flower.

Introduces Orange Spray Chrysanthemum Midnightsun

September 3, 2020 Deliflor Chrysanten

The magnificent orange glow that appears, has inspired us for naming our newest orange chrysanthemum variety Midnightsun.

Selecta One Offers Chrysanthemum Open House in a Digital Exhibition During Chrysanthemum Week 2020

September 1, 2020 Selecta One

“It´s been a challenging year to all of the active members in the industry, but as breeders we have a responsibility with our customers to supply innovation, bringing new varieties into the market for them to grow… we had to find a virtual solution that allow us to continue with our open house as it is the place to meet and discover the most striking novelties, see tomorrow’s principal market and consumer trends. On the bright side, this solution will allow us to show our introductions and reach customers in others locations around the world. ” Daniela Navarro, Selecta cut flowers Marketing manager.

Royal Van Zanten Offers a New Twist to an Old Favorite

August 3, 2020 Royal Van Zanten

Royal Van Zanten’s breeding efforts don’t stop once a variety becomes available to the market. Over the years, we’ve been working with the Saba growers to optimise this variety by carefully selecting plants displaying the best genetics. It’s an ongoing process that responds, of course, to the market’s requirements.

Deliflor Chrysanten Introduces Evidence

May 7, 2020 Deliflor Chrysanten

A strong white ball shape flower with a fresh green heart. Great uniformity and excellent preservability.