Baltica, Top Chrysanthemum of Deliflor in the White Segment, Moves Within Vannova

January 17, 2022 Deliflor Chrysanten

The spray chrysanthemum Baltica of breeder Deliflor Chrysanten, has been the variety with the highest market share in the spray segment for over 13 years now. This variety will switch places within VannoVa, an alliance of leading chrysanthemum growers.

Special Collaboration on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) in the Chrysanthemum Sector

January 10, 2022 Deliflor Chrysanten

Six major propagators in the chrysanthemum sector have joined forces to further reduce the use of chemicals in the production of cuttings in Africa. Since 2017, the unique group of companies comprising Dekker Chrysanten, Deliflor Chrysanten, Dümmen Orange, Floritec, Royal van Zanten and Armada (since 2020) has been collaborating closely on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) with the aim of achieving this common goal. Their efforts have already provided the results they needed and a great deal of insight for the future.

Selecta One Announces Strategic Cooperation with Armada Breeding

December 30, 2021 Selecta One

Selecta one and Armada, jointly announced the two companies are entering into a new strategic alliance starting 2022 as the Chrysanthemum markets of Kenya and Colombia will be transferred to Selecta one.

APHIS Seeks Comments on Draft Pest Risk Assessment for the Importation of Chrysanthemum x morifolium for Planting from Brazil

December 27, 2021 USDA APHIS

The Government of Brazil has asked USDA’s Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (APHIS) to authorize the importation of Chrysanthemum x morifolium plants for planting into the United States and Territories. APHIS has drafted a pest risk assessment that describes potential pests associated with the commodity.

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Deliflor Chrysanten Introduces Couture, a Chic Eyecatcher

November 11, 2021 Deliflor Chrysanten

A real eyecatcher with a unique colour that is not easy to describe. The grayisch colour of the underside of the petals make this flower into something special. De large, filled flowers of Couture and the slightly twisted heart are the main features of this stylish new variety.