CFIA: Update, Eat Smart brand Salad Shake Ups (single serve) recalled

The food recall warning issued on December 14, 2018 has been updated to include additional product information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s (CFIA) food safety investigation.

Safe Food for Canadians Act Timelines for Fresh fruit or Vegetables

Use this timetable to find out when you will need to comply with those requirements of the Safe Food for Canadians Regulations (SFCR) related to licensing, preventive control plans (PCP), preventive controls and traceability.

Safe Food for Canadians Licences now Available for Food Businesses

Food business owners across Canada can now apply for a licence under the new Safe Food for Canadians Regulations by accessing the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s online portal, My CFIA.

Response to the recommendations from the National Working Group for Vibrio parahaemolyticus Control in BC Oysters for Raw Consumption

Following an outbreak of illnesses caused by Vibrio in British Columbia oysters in 2015, a working group of regulators and industry members discussed perceived gaps in the current controls for Vibrio. The regulators were at the provincial and federal level, and included the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA).