Share Your Thoughts: Identifying A New Approach for Developing and Maintaining Canadian Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Grade Standards

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is committed to modernizing the approach for developing and maintaining Canadian fresh fruit and vegetable grade standards. Our goal is to support a more efficient model for grades that will facilitate trade, support economic growth, and align with the CFIA’s mandate. The CFIA seeks feedback to inform decisions on selecting a new approach.

CFIA: Mowi Brand Norwegian Atlantic Salmon – Cold Smoked Recalled Due to Potential Presence of Dangerous Bacteria

The affected product is being recalled from the marketplace because it may permit the growth of Clostridium botulinum.

CFIA: Sulphur Dioxide Gas Used on Fresh Grapes During Storage and Transport

Health Canada (HC) has assessed a request from industry stakeholders concerning the use of sulphur dioxide gas on fresh grapes during storage and transport, which has resulted in the reclassification of sulphur dioxide in certain situations.

CFIA: Certain Brands of Eggs Recalled Due to Salmonella

The affected products are being recalled from the marketplace due to possible Salmonella contamination.

Fresh Express brand Salsa! Ensalada Salad Kit recalled due to Listeria monocytogenes

The affected product is being recalled from the marketplace due to possible Listeria monocytogenes contamination. This product was made using cheese recalled by Rizo-López Foods, Inc. in association with an outbreak investigation in the US.