CFIA Updates Use of Imported Meat in Products Destined to the USA

The export requirements have been updated to indicate that importers are required to obtain additional certification from the exporting country’s competent authorities when imported meat products are used to manufacture meat products intended for export to the USA.

CFIA: Food Recall Warning – Castel Regio Brand Taleggio DOP Recalled Due To Listeria Monocytogenes

Les Dependances is recalling Castel Regio brand Taleggio DOP from the marketplace due to possible Listeria monocytogenes contamination. Consumers should not consume the recalled product described.

Kolapore Springs Brand and North Shore Brand Smoked Trout Products Recalled Due to Potential Presence of Dangerous Bacteria

The food recall warning issued on March 26, 2021 has been updated to include additional product information. This additional information was identified during the Canadian Food Inspection Agency’s (CFIA) food safety investigation.

Government Of Canada Takes Action on Fish Fraud

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is addressing the issue of food fraud so Canadians can be confident that the food they buy is accurately represented.

CFIA: Food Recall Warning Unbun Brand Untortillas Recalled Due to Undeclared Egg

Unbun Foods is recalling unbun brand untortillas from the marketplace because they may contain egg which is not declared on the label. People with an allergy to egg should not consume the recalled product described.