Joint Statement: New Oyster Movement Rules in Prince Edward Island to Help Prevent Further Spread of MSX

This declaration simplifies the CFIA permitting process for PEI oyster growers, harvesters, and processors, as CFIA permits will no longer be required for movement of oysters or gear within the declared area.

Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA): Export of Fish and Seafood to the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia

Following successful negotiations with the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), the Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) is pleased to announce that two new health certificates have been finalized for the export of live and non-live fish and seafood to KSA.

CFIA Announces Detection of MSX and Dermo in oysters in New Brunswick

MSX and Dermo do not pose risks to human health or food safety. However, they cause increased oyster mortality and decreased growth rates. This is the first confirmed case of MSX in New Brunswick, and the first confirmed case of Dermo in Canada.

CFIA: Export of Food Products Containing Egg Ingredients to the United States

Effective October 10, 2024 the United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) Animal and Plant Health Inspection Services (APHIS) will not require a certificate or an import permit for the export of fully finished, non-shelf stable food products containing egg ingredients to the United States.

Canadian Food Inspection Agency Joint Statement – Additional Detections of MSX in Prince Edward Island

The Canadian Food Inspection Agency (CFIA) has confirmed the presence of multinuclear sphere X (MSX) caused by Haplosporidium nelsoni in additional locations on Prince Edward Island (PEI), including areas between Lennox Island and Freeland. While MSX prevents oysters from thriving, such as decreased rates of growth and increased oyster mortality, it is important to note that this disease poses no risk to human health, nor does it pose a food safety risk.