Jeff Oberman, President of The California Avocado Commission, Leaves to Pursue Other Interests

The California Avocado Commission (CAC) announced that Jeff Oberman, who served as President and CEO of the organization since October 2022, has left the organization to pursue other interests.

California Avocado Growers’ Stormy Season Winds Down

Mother Nature continues to test the resilience of California avocado growers this year, the latest test being heavy rainfall and winds from Tropical Storm Hilary and a moderate earthquake in the Ojai area on the same day. Fortuitously for many California avocado farmers, these events will not impact this year’s harvest because most of the fruit was picked before the storm.

Al Roker Visits California Avocado Grove for California Avocado Month

California avocado season generally runs from spring through summer, making June a perfect time to celebrate California Avocado Month. The California Avocado Commission is using an integrated support plan including public relations outreach, retail promotions, foodservice chain programs, social media and more to market this year’s celebration.

Celebrate California Avocado Month in June With Chef Brooke Williamson

The California Avocado Commission invites avocado lovers to celebrate California Avocado Month this June. Grown in the Golden State from San Diego to Monterey by about 3,000 growers, California avocado season generally runs from spring through summer, making June a perfect time to explore every delicious opportunity to sink your teeth into them.

California Avocado Marketing Support In Full Force

Spring has sprung and California avocado season has begun in earnest. Winter and early spring rains contributed to delaying the usual start of harvesting but were excellent for California avocado tree health. As a result, the 257 million pounds of California avocados estimated for this season likely will be concentrated from late April through summer. To bolster this volume, the California Avocado Commission is engaged with marketing support at full throttle.