Challenge Butter Introduces New Line of Dessert and Seasoned Snack Spreads

March 30, 2022 Challenge Butter

Challenge Butter, a leading U.S. farmer-owned butter brand, today announced the launch of Challenge Butter Snack Spreads. These new spreads make consumers’ favorite sweet and savory flavor profiles, ranging from Chocolate and Salted Caramel to Everything and Buffalo, available in a Challenge Butter-based spread.

Truly Grass Fed Introduces New Spreadable Butter

February 21, 2022 Truly Grass Fed

Truly Grass Fed, a premium brand of sustainably-produced dairy products from the green fields of Ireland, will launch its new spreadable butter tubs at the 2022 Winter Fancy Food Show from February 6-8 at the Las Vegas Convention Center. This is the first year that the brand, which introduced its carefully crafted grass-fed Irish butter and cheese to the U.S. market in 2019, will participate in the show.

Darigold Resumes Partial Butter Production in Caldwell

February 14, 2022 Darigold

Darigold, Inc. announced that it has resumed partial butter production at its facility in Caldwell, Idaho, a 91-year-old dairy production facility that produces butter and powdered milk products for the farmer-owned co-op. Darigold closed the facility after an October 12 fire tore through parts of the plant, causing significant damage to the facility’s production capability, and structural damage to some of the building.

Organic Garage’s Future of Cheese Launches a Truffle-infused Version of Its Popular Plant-based Butter

January 4, 2022 Organic Garage

Organic Garage Ltd announces that its plant-based food company, Future of Cheese Inc. has added a new truffle-infused version of the popular cultured plant-based butters that the Company successfully launched in October.

Nearly Half of American Consumers Inclined to Use Cultured Butter for Holiday Dishes, Reported by Vermont Creamery/Harris Poll

December 24, 2021 Vermont Creamery

With more Americans cooking and entertaining for the holidays, at-home chefs are significantly upping the game for friends and family and insisting on only using the best ingredients for revered traditions and new recipes. In a recent Harris Poll study, commissioned by Vermont Creamery and conducted online among over 2,000 U.S. adults, nearly half of Americans (49%) are likely to use cultured butter – which has a richer flavor – over traditional butter when making holiday dishes this year, jumping to 65% among Americans ages 35-44. Nine in 10 Americans (86%) say it is important to use high quality ingredients when cooking or baking holiday dishes this year, with 1 in 4 (25%) saying it is absolutely essential.