Congress Must Compel FDA to Enforce Butter Law, American Butter Institute Says

October 21, 2019 American Butter Institute

The American Butter Institute sent letters to the chairmen and ranking members of the House Committee on Energy and Commerce and the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, urging them to compel FDA to enforce federal law against plant-based imposters that illegally misuse the term “butter” as a marketing trick.

New, Healthier ‘Butter’ Spread Almost Entirely Water

August 28, 2019 Cornell University

Cornell University food scientists have created a new low-calorie ‘butter’ spread that consists mostly of water. A tablespoon of this low-calorie spread has 2.8 grams of fat and 25.2 calories. Butter, on the other hand, which is 84% fat and about 16% water, has about 11 grams of fat and nearly 100 calories.

Plugrá Announces New National Ad Campaign for Its Premium Butter Brand

August 23, 2019 Plugrá

Plugrá®, a premium butter crafted in America, announces the launch of the BETTER BUTTER MATTERS national advertising campaign created to inspire “the chef in all of us.”

Watch How the World’s Best Butter is Made

Jean-Yves Bordier founded his butter creamery back in 1985, at a time when France’s beloved beurre was becoming predominantly made with large-scale factory methods. At his creamery, he embraced old-school techniques. Instead of being churned in a large, automated metal drum, the butter is kneaded on a round wooden table that spins allowing water to be expelled from the fat solids while still providing a nonstick surface.