Blueberries and Brain Health

A new research study published in Nutrients finds that blueberries have cognitive benefits. More specifically, the equivalent of a half cup of fresh blueberries per day, consumed as freeze-dried blueberry powder, was found to help middle-aged individuals against cognitive decline when implemented early in at-risk individuals.1

New Blueberry Varieties Available for Growers

April 27, 2022 Osiris Plant Management

IQ Berries (IQB) and Osiris Plant Management (Chile) are joining forces to develop and bring new blueberry varieties with innovative and palate-captivating qualities to the market. Attributes of these varieties include large size and firmness, a popping texture, sweet flavor (high Brix levels), great color and bloom, high-yielding crops from the first season of production, and a long shelf life.

WSU Research Shows Beeflow Pollination Program Produces Over 50% Larger Blueberries

April 4, 2022 Beeflow

The study, led by Dr. Lisa Wasko DeVetter, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Small Fruits, was conducted across two farms in northern Washington in 2021, using the Duke variety of blueberries, and showed larger berries on the plants pollinated by Beeflow bees.

Retailers Experience New Sekoya Blueberries at Event in Spain

April 1, 2022 Sekoya

Retailers, supermarkets and licensees of Sekoya® were able to experience and taste Sekoya Pop™ (‘FCM14-052’) and Sekoya Beauty™ (‘FCM12-097’) blueberry varieties at the company’s Field & Forum, held on March 24, next to other open and other Fall Creek  varieties. During the visit to the research and development facilities of Fall Creek Farm & Nursery in Seville (Andalucía, Spain), these two Sekoya® Low/Zero Chill varieties were seen up close and tested to showcase their attributes for the global market. 

U.S. Highbush Blueberry Council Seeks Nominees for Importer 2, 3, 4 and Exporter 2, 3, 4 Positions

 The USHBC Industry Relations Committee is seeking nominees to be considered for USHBC Importer #2, #3, & #4, Exporter #2 (Canada), Exporter #3 (Peru), and Exporter #4 (Mexico) positions on the Council.  Nominees are being sought for the three-year term, except for Exporter #3 & #4 whose initial term is 2 years, that begins January 1, 2023.