Love Beef Tender: How Aging Affects Beef’s Tenderness

September 1, 2020 Beef Checkoff

Tenderness is one of the biggest influencers of consumer approval of beef. Since most consumers can differentiate between tough and tender beef, improving tenderness is a high priority for the beef industry. One of the best methods to do this is by aging beef. According to aging standards, muscles should age for a minimum of 14 days for optimal effect.

The Beef Burger: How to Describe This Menu Staple

August 19, 2020 Beef Checkoff

National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, a contractor to the Beef Checkoff, recently conducted research on consumer preferences for burgers when dining out. Consumers’ own words highlight just how enticing burgers are for them.

#WienerWednesday Campaign Declared Most Viral Beef Campaign on TikTok

The 40 unique recipes and fun facts about hot dogs, shared on TikTok each #WienerWednesday in July, were viewed more than 27 million times, generating nearly 3.5 million likes and 15.8 million hashtag views, making it the most viral beef campaign ever organized on TikTok.

This July is Bound to Be a Wiener

This month marks National Hot Dog Month, a full thirty-one days that celebrate one of America’s most iconic foods. Hot dogs are part of American culture, summer celebrations, travel and grilling traditions. They are synonymous with our nation’s independence as Americans are expected to eat 150 million hot dogs on July 4 alone.

Assessing Stocking Up Behavior Today and in the Future

June 25, 2020 Beef Checkoff

How big of a change is really occurring? Is this behavior temporary or something that will become more ingrained in everyday life? The National Cattlemen’s Beef Association, on behalf of the Beef Checkoff, set out to understand how COVID-19 shifted consumer thinking and how those shifts impact beef purchasing.