Fresh Del Monte Plans to Expand its Fair Trade Certified Organic Bananas in the U.S.

June 23, 2022 Fresh Del Monte

Fresh Del Monte (FDM) is expanding its fresh fruit offering and now sells Fair Trade Certified™ organic bananas in Canada and is working to start selling Fair Trade Certified™ bananas in the U.S.

Fyffes Presents Prize to Ireland’s Fittest School

May 31, 2022 Fyffes

Scoil Na Croise Naofa in Dunfanaghy has been presented with a cheque for €5,000 worth of sports equipment from Irish banana distributors Fyffes following the announcement that the North Donegal primary school has been chosen as ‘Ireland’s Fittest School’.

Under Its “Regenerate the Earth and Its Resources” Strategy, One Banana Creates a One-of-a-Kind Project to Restore Pollinator Habitats

April 25, 2022 One Banana

On Earth Day, business leadership and actions toward environment care take more relevance. However, conventional sustainability strategies are being surpassed by efforts that are moving forward to regenerative business models. In this line, One Banana and BeeHub – an organization specializing in the protection and conservation of bees through rescues, creation of native bee sanctuaries and environmental education – began a pilot project at the One Banana’s Natural Ingredients Processing Plant located in the coastal lowland region of Guatemala, to protect pollinators and increase biodiversity.

Fairtrade America Celebrates National Banana Day With an Appeal to Americans to Support a Fair Deal in the Banana Supply Chain

April 20, 2022 Fairtrade America

This National Banana Day, April 20, Fairtrade America – an independent, third party certification that partners with farmers and workers in countries historically disadvantaged by trade to negotiate better prices, decent working conditions, and a fairer deal overall – calls for greater support for the more than 450 million people around the world whose livelihoods depend on banana and plantain farming.

Dole Expands Banana Day Celebration Links Fruit to Stress Reduction

April 7, 2022 Dole Food Company

Dole Food Company, Inc., is devoting its popular “Healthier by Dole” alternative recipe series in April to bananas in honor of the iconic yellow fruit’s position at the center of two seemingly unrelated observances during the month.