Sharing the Love with Administrative Professionals

April 21, 2022 BakeMark

Did you know that April 27th is Administrative Professionals Day? That’s right. But what exactly is that all about? The National Day Calendar website explains it as the day to celebrate the assistants, clerks, receptionists, hosts/hostesses and any office staff that help make our businesses run as smoothly as they do. They are often the unsung heroes who help manage the day-to-day activities, and they definitely deserve a day of appreciation!

Make your Bakery Ready for the Easter Bunny!

February 21, 2022 BakeMark

The Easter bunny will soon be hopping down the bunny trail, and you’re going to want to have your bakery primed and ready for his arrival! The good news is that BakeMark can help you get there with consistent products that will delight your customers with delicious Easter treats.

Build a Team of Star Bakers and Salesclerks

February 4, 2022 BakeMark

A huge challenge facing every business in the wake of the Covid-19 pandemic is staffing. Bakeries and donut shops of every size and description are no exception. It’s so important to have bakers and salesclerks who know what they are doing. Understand the baking process and your products and how to sell them to your customers, and keep your operation running smoothly It takes time to teach and develop those skills and attitudes. It’s critical that you continually build from within – both as individuals and as a team. 

Red Velvet Season is Approaching

January 18, 2022 BakeMark

Springtime is coming, believe it or not, and with comes several spring holidays that we all love to celebrate. Amongst them is Valentine’s Day, or as we refer to it in the bakery industry, Red Velvet season!

What is a Fruitcake Anyway?

December 20, 2021 BakeMark

This holiday season capture the magic of traditional, flavorful, and decorative fruitcakes straight from your bakery’s oven.  “Fruitcake,” you may ask? The answer is a resounding, YES!!