In Mexico, Avocados Bring Income — and Threats From Cartels

October 25, 2019 Associated Press

The region’s avocado boom, fueled by soaring U.S. consumption, has raised parts of western Mexico out of poverty in just 10 years. But the scent of money has drawn gangs and hyper-violent cartels that have hung bodies from bridges and cowed police forces, and the rising violence is threatening the newfound prosperity.

Avocados From Peru Closes Out 2019 Season

October 21, 2019 Avocados From Peru

From June to September, Peru is the largest exporter to Europe and the second largest supplier of imported avocados to the United States. Avocados from Peru were available at top retailers and were a major foodservice supplier, including Chipotle, during the summer months.

Berry People Announces New Berry Deals to Fill Key North American Supply Gaps

September 30, 2019 Berry People

Berry People, an integrated, year-round grower-shipper of a full line of branded organic and conventional berries and avocados, has announced new berry sourcing deals in Mexico to fill critical supply gaps in the North American market during the fall and winter.

Apeel Sciences Brings Industry Leaders Into its Supplier Network

August 15, 2019 Apeel Sciences

Apeel Sciences announced its supplier partnerships, enabling a consistent year-round supply of Apeel avocados, limes, asparagus, and apples for U.S. retailers and consumers.

Five-Year Independent Evaluation Commissioned by Hass Avocado Board Finds Promotion Programs Increase Profits, Expand Demand

August 8, 2019 Hass Avocado Board

The five-year evaluation (2013-2017) also found that the promotion programs conducted by HAB and its member associations played a fundamental role in expanding demand for Hass avocados in the United States.