Index Fresh Invites Customers To Virtual ‘Meeting In The Grove’

October 6, 2020 Index Fresh

As businesses and communities cross the six-month mark of working partially or completely from home, creative use of digital communication tools has surged across industries. California-based global avocado marketer Index Fresh has adapted to this model by launching its virtual ‘Meeting in the Grove’ program to connect its sales team with clients and growers.

Holiday Avocado Sales Spring Up To New Heights

October 1, 2020 Hass Avocado Board

MISSION VIEJO, CA  – Retail sales of Hass avocados continued to reach new heights during the second quarter of 2020 as three key holidays saw record sales. The Hass Avocado Board’s recently published holiday recap

‘Guacamolito to Go’: One Step Further on the Conquest of the Avocado Market in the US

September 22, 2020 Guacamolito

After the 100% Mexican avocado pulp processor, Guacamolito®, had two years of a positive experience in this market, the company has decided to step forward and will offer the traditional — and loved by so many — Mexican guacamole in the booming and unexplored market of New York City.

Naturipe Adds Colombia to Avocado Growing Regions

August 7, 2020 Naturipe

Naturipe announced today the expansion of their global footprint of avocados with their first season distributing Colombia avocados in the USA marketplace. Naturipe is a grower of premium quality avocados and supplies fresh, great tasting avocados year-round.

Peru Supply is Strong for Index Fresh, with Peak This Month

July 30, 2020 Index Fresh

Index Fresh is seeing peak volume of its Peruvian avocado this month, with volume up by 15-20 pct compared to last year. Avocados from Peru have been available since May and will continue to be in the market until September.