Blumar Farms Achieve Certification by Aquaculture Stewardship Council

February 14, 2020 Blumar Farms

Chilean salmon producer Blumar, one of the two partners at BluGlacier, earned Aquaculture Stewardship Council (ASC) certification for responsible fish farming at three of its sites in the country’s Magallanes region. This enables the company to supply 17,000 metric tons of ASC certified salmon to global customers during 2020.

Two Thirds of Seafood Consumers Call for “Radical or Significant” Change to Feed Growing Population

A major survey of seafood consumers across seven countries in Europe, Asia, and North America has found widespread concern about the environmental and social impacts of food, with two thirds (63%) calling for “radical” or “significant” change to feed the world’s growing population.

New ASC Collaboration Helps Small Scale Farmers Adopt More Responsible Practices

Three of the leading organisations in responsible aquaculture have teamed up to help farmers adopt more responsible practices, simplify choices for retailers and consumers, and make better use of their industry data and knowledge.

All Campbell River Mowi Salmon Farms Get ASC Certification

Mowi Canada West says all its salmon farms in the Campbell River area have reached the Aquaculture Stewardship Council certification.

Aquaculture Stewardship Council: New Salmon Sea Lice Treatment Threshold Serves Industry Not Oceans

July 17, 2019 SeaChoice

The amendment to Aquaculture Stewardship Council’s parasiticide treatment index to manage sea lice allows a dramatic increase in the total number of chemical treatments permitted under the Salmon Standard — up to 350 per cent in some regions — and introduces the concept of ‘conditional’ certification.