CMI Orchards Announces Sales of Ambrosia Dominating the Southern Region, Strong Sales Throughout United States

February 19, 2021 CMI Orchards

CMI Orchards has announced that Ambrosia apples are dominating sales in the Southern Region, with strong sales reported throughout the rest of the United States.

Stemilt’s Fast Facts Analysis Presents Plenty of Apple Promotion Opportunities for Retailers

February 8, 2021 Stemilt

Stemilt’s marketing director, Brianna Shales, and communications manager, Katie Harmon, analyze the most recent data during Fast Facts: The Cast video analysis with the data conveying there is plenty of promotional opportunity retailers can capitalize on in the coming months.

Stemilt’s Fuji Apples Shines Bright in Snowy WA State

February 4, 2021 Stemilt

Although it’s snowy and cold in Washington State, Stemilt’s beautiful Artisan Organics™ Fuji apples shine bright on packing lines this week. Stemilt is a long-time leader in the Fuji category, growing high-color strains like Aztec and a freshness focus delivered by its supply and demand forecasting program to pack Fuji’s fresh to order.

Fall in Love with Colorado Apples

This February, we are falling in love with the Colorado apples. Apples rank among the top three fruits produced around the world. They are easy to store and transport, and as a result, are typically available year-round in the U.S. Apples are rich in quercetin and pectin, both of which are credited for supplying apples with their health benefits.

Jazz Apples Drives Sales With Super Bowl Wings

February 1, 2021 T&G Global

T&G’s innovative JAZZ™ apple campaigns are making the brand a top-10 category performer in North America, while delighting consumers with healthy snacks and meals. The apple’s latest Nielsen update highlights YOY dollars at +15% and YOY pounds at +8%*