A-Team Superheroes Take Over USApple Social Media

Faster than a steak of lightening, more powerful than a locomotive, able to leap tall buildings in a single bound…it’s the A-Team and they are taking over USApple’s social media this week.

Vanguard International Update on New Zealand Apples and Pears

March 25, 2021 Vanguard International

The total production of New Zealand apples and pears this season is estimated to be approximately 21- 22 million cartons. The exportable crop is expected to be 19.5 million cartons.

Shippers to Retailers: “Consumers Want More SweeTango”

Poised to begin the second half of their marketing season, SweeTango® apple growers across North America are advising their best retailers to stock up to meet continued strong demand from the variety’s passionate consumer fans.

Washington Apple Commission Announces The Re-Appointment of Five Board Members

The Washington Apple Commission welcomes the recent re-election of five commissioners to the Board of Directors.

CMI Orchards Releases Flavogram, a New Way of Experiencing Apples

March 12, 2021 CMI Orchards

CMI Orchards has released an innovative new program, Flavogram®, to help consumers compare apples to apples. Flavogram® is a tasting guide that describes the flavor journey of each apple from the first bite to the lasting impression on your taste buds.