Stemilt’s Nostalgia Marketing Golden Raves Campaign Huge Success

October 13, 2021 Stemilt

Stemilt’s dive into nostalgia marketing paid off during their most recent campaign around their signature variety, Rave® brand MN55 cultivar apples. The consumer-facing digital campaign designed to help consumer’s win gold was inspired by Roald Dahl’s fictional character Willy Wonka and the search for the golden ticket.

Yes! Apples Launches Online Shop to Bring Consumers Apples Directly to Their Door

October 12, 2021 Yes! Apples

Consumers can now purchase specialty varieties that don’t have widespread distribution directly from Yes! Apples. Initial offerings include the Rave, SweeTango, Honeycrisp, Gala and SnapDragon varieties. More varieties will be added as they become available.

SnapDragon Apples Are Back – And Crunchier Than Ever

September 29, 2021 Crunch Time Apple Growers

Crunch Time Apple Growers, a New York State-based cooperative of 152 member growers, announced its largest anticipated crop volume of SnapDragon™ apples: 400,000 bushels, a 25 percent increase year-over-year. The sweet, crisp apples are ready to be packed and shipped, with the first apples hitting select produce aisles now, and wider distribution expected in Q4 2021 and Q1 2022. 

Build Organic Category Success with Stemilt’s Artisan Organics Honeycrisp Apples

September 23, 2021 Stemilt

Stemilt’s World Famous Honeycrisp apples consumers across the globe have come to know and love are back and available organically under the Artisan Organics™ brand. The leading organic grower kicked off their organic season last month harvesting several organic varieties, including the well-known Honeycrisp variety.

A New Reason To Eat Organic: A Diverse Microbiome

September 17, 2021 Eosta

An organic apple contains more microscopic biodiversity, which is an essential ingredient for human health. This was revealed by Austrian research conducted in 2019 that compared the micro-biodiversity of conventionally grown and organic apples. Other new research indicates that microbial biodiversity is crucial for good health. And this is why Eosta is supporting a study carried out by Stichting Bac2nature (Bac2nature Foundation) and Maastricht University on the link between cultivation methods, microbial biodiversity and digestion. “Biodiversity is vitality,” according to Eosta CEO Volkert Engelsman.