AmericanHort Leads Industry Letter to Protect Domestic Horticulture

April 16, 2020 AmericanHort

AmericanHort announced a letter sent to Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue to ensure nursery and floriculture crop farmers ravaged by the fallout of the COVID-19 economic shutdown are not left out of USDA support.

AmericanHort HortScholar Program Now Accepting Applications

January 21, 2020 AmericanHort

AmericanHort is now accepting applications for the 2020 HortScholar program. Students applying for this program can be enrolled in any horticulture-related program at any degree level. Applications will be accepted at until March 1, 2020.

AmericanHort Introduces Plant Sentry as Newest Affinity Program Partner

December 3, 2019 AmericanHort

Plant Sentry is a software program pioneered by Nature Hills Nursery that provides a comprehensive plant compliance tool designed to ensure that wholesale, retail and e-commerce vendors grow and ship only plants that are fully compliant with all federal regulations and restrictions and those of all 50 states.

AmericanHort Formalizes Partnership with Leading Consulting Firm

September 16, 2019 AmericanHort

“We’ve partnered with K·Coe Isom for years, in a more informal relationship and focused primarily around tax issues. We look forward to offering our members access to their in-depth expertise in a variety of advisory disciplines,” stated Ken Fisher, President & CEO of AmericanHort.

AmericanHort Announces 2019 Landscape Operations Tour

July 1, 2019 AmericanHort

AmericanHort is excited to be hosting the 2019 Landscape Operations Tour taking place September 30 – October 1 in Chicago, IL. This tour is an opportunity to network with leaders in the landscaping industry while touring seven world-class landscaping companies and covering topics like sustainability, specialization, and operation efficiency.