Snacksercise Craze: American Pecan Promotion Board Flexes New Retro-Inspired Campaign

What happens when you combine ’80s workout videos, healthy snacking and a dash of modern irony? The American Pecan Promotion Board (APPB) in collaboration with their marketing agency Signal Theory, created their latest campaign, “Snacksercise,” which delivers a fresh take on New Year’s wellness messaging by deliberately stepping away from the polished perfection of today’s fitness content.

USDA Seeks Nominees for the American Pecan Promotion Board

February 25, 2021 USDA AMS

The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS) is seeking nominations for the American Pecan Promotion Board under the newly established Pecan Promotion, Research, and Information Order. Nominations are due by March 26, 2021.