Memorial Tribute Established in Memory of Arthur Brentwood Humphrey

October 21, 2020 American Floral Endowment

The American Floral Endowment (AFE) announces a new memorial tribute in memory of Arthur Brentwood Humphrey, a longtime friend of the floral industry who died on October 6, 2020, at the age of 74. The $ 1,000 fund was established by the Mayme Leong Family of Ah Sam Florist and Ken & Lynn Young of Phoenix Flower Shops.

Announcing AFE and Rio Roses Virtual Mask-erade Photo Contest Winner

October 2, 2020 American Floral Endowment

In light of the COVID-19 Pandemic, the American Floral Endowment transformed their Annual Fundraising Dinner into a Virtual Mask-erade, which featured a photo contest sponsored by Rio Roses. The contest ran from August until mid-September and encouraged participants to use their Giving to Grow event mask to design their own mask-erade look.

AFE’s Unconventional Passing of the Chairman’s Gavel Video & New Board Appointments

September 23, 2020 American Floral Endowment

Due to COVID-19, AFE’s Annual August Board Meeting like our 2020 Annual Dinner was held fully virtually unlike prior years, but that didn’t stop the annual passing of the gavel! Outgoing AFE Board Chairman, Jim Daly of Floralife/Smithers-Oasis, passed the gavel to incoming Chairman, Laura Shinall of Syndicate Sales, Inc. in a very creative and socially distanced way.

Over $ 80,000 Raised for Floral Industry Programs through AFE’s Giving to Grow Virtual Mask-erade Dinner

September 22, 2020 American Floral Endowment

The floral community came together and gave to grow the industry through these uncertain times. The American Floral Endowment raised over $ 80,000 through sponsorships, registrations, and donations which will help fund scholarships, internships, grants, and other industry programs.

The Floral Industry is Giving to Grow

August 20, 2020 American Floral Endowment

Halfway through the American Floral Endowment’s Virtual Fundraising Event happening through August, the #GivingtoGrow Mask-erade Event response has been incredible. Over 50 floral organizations have sponsored the event to support AFE’s mission of funding floral industry research, educational grants, scholarships, and internship programs.