American Dairy Products Institute Appoints New Members to Board of Directors

The American Dairy Products Institute would like to welcome the newly elected members and officers to the Board of Directors.

2021 ADPI/ABI Joint Annual Conference Goes Virtual

As we all do our part in continuing to fight the pandemic and ensure public health, the American Dairy Products Institute (ADPI) Directors have made the difficult decision to pivot the 2021 ADPI/ABI Joint Annual Conference to a fully virtual event.

2019 Dairy Products Utilization and Production Trends Publication Now Available

American Dairy Products Institute (ADPI) has recently released for purchase the results of its annual “Dairy Products Utilization and Production Trends” survey.

Dave Thomas Honored As 2020 ADPI Award of Merit Recipient

The American Dairy Products Institute (ADPI) is pleased to announce Dave Thomas as the 2020 Recipient of the Award of Merit. The Award of Merit was established in 1991 to recognize individuals who have made a significant difference in the processed dairy products industry.

ADPI and ABI Announce First Ever Virtual Joint Annual Conference

For the first time in 22 years, ADPI and its conference partner ABI will be hosting their traditional Chicago-based Joint Annual Conference via a unique and exciting virtual format.