Local Dairy Checkoff Seeks Independent Producers for Board of Directors 

To be considered for a board seat, nominees must be an active dairy farmer in the ADA North East service region which includes New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Maryland, Delaware or the counties of Loudoun, Fairfax, Arlington and Prince William in Virginia. 

Annual Butter Sculpture Tradition at New York State Fair Continues with Arrival of 800 Pounds of Butter

More than 800 pounds of butter has arrived at the New York State Fairgrounds in Syracuse, N.Y., as construction of one of Central New York’s best-kept secrets and most beloved attractions gets underway – the 56th Annual American Dairy Association North East Butter Sculpture, sponsored by Wegmans.

Local Checkoff Leadership Promotes Dairy in Media

American Dairy Association North East President Audrey Donahoe and Pennsylvania Dairy Promotion Program Chair Lolly Lesher represent the more than 8,300 dairy farmers in the six-state region as leaders of dairy checkoff. 

Local Dairy Farmers Support Summer Meals with Dairy at Kickoff Events

American Dairy Association North East and local dairy farmers are partnering with anti-hunger advocate groups across the region through the USDA Summer Meals program. The program ensures students have access to healthy meals with dairy when school is out for the summer.

American Dairy Association North East Partners With College Athletes to Advocate for Dairy, ‘Refuel With Chocolate Milk’

In an effort to promote milk and dairy with Gen Z consumers, ages 11 – 26, American Dairy Association North East is partnering with college athlete influencers to serve as advocates for dairy products and dairy farmers.