Bakers Honor Policy Makers Who Championed the Baking Industry in 2022

February 10, 2023 American Bakers Association

The American Bakers Association (ABA) recognized the champions of the baking industry during the 2022 Bakers’ Dozen Congressional Awards Ceremony. Traditionally held in-person on Capitol Hill with nearly 900 Congressional staff, featuring products from ABA Members, this year’s virtual celebration gave the opportunity for ABA Members throughout the country to hear directly from their champions.   

ABA Encouraged by the FDA’s Proposal to Redesign Human Foods Program

February 9, 2023 American Bakers Association

Statement from Eric Dell, President and CEO, American Bakers Association on the Proposed Redesign of Human Foods Program at the Food & Drug Administration.

ABA Recognizes Frank Yiannas’s Leadership at the FDA

February 3, 2023 American Bakers Association

Following the announcement of his upcoming departure from the agency, the American Bakers Association (ABA) recognizes and commends Frank Yiannas’s leadership and service to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) during a time of tremendous global turmoil and technological change. 

Welcome Eric Dell, ABA’s New President and CEO

January 4, 2023 American Bakers Association

On January 3rd Eric Dell joined ABA as President and CEO. He will lead ABA’s sweeping mission of promoting and growing the baking industry in partnership with its 300+ Members.

A Message from Robb MacKie: Thank You

December 20, 2022 American Bakers Association

“It has been an honor and joy these past twenty-seven years, the past 17 as President and CEO, getting to know this industry – and the spectacular people that power it. As I approach the end of my chapter with ABA, I can’t help but think about everything we’ve accomplished together to advance this noble industry.”