The Faster Act: Prioritizing Safety

We’re nearly five months into the implementation of the FASTER Act, and the baking industry’s priority remains the allergic community’s safety. We strongly support the Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) guidance for consumers to always read ingredient labels and to check with the manufacturer if they are unsure whether a food product contains specific ingredients.

Overheard at ABA Convention: Innovation Takes Center Stage

It was the most well-attended Convention in American Bakers Association history — and it was a lot more as well.

ABA Welcomes New Executive Committee And Board Members

The American Bakers Association (ABA) is pleased to welcome new members to the ABA Board of Directors. Ryals McMullian, President and CEO, Flowers Foods joins the Executive Committee as the Member At-Large. Campbell Williams, Co-CEO, BCW Food Products joins the Board as the AIB Chair, and Bill Gross, Executive Vice President, PPC Flexible Packaging, joins the Board as the ATBI President. 

American Bakers Association Launches the Bakers’ Forum for Small Wholesale Baking Businesses

The American Bakers Association (ABA) is pleased to announce the launch of a new member resource called The Bakers’ Forum. With the tagline of “Learn. Share. Grow.” this member-exclusive, bakers-only forum has been developed for members who wish to discuss and learn about issues relating to operating a small business.   

ABA Builds Momentum: Industry’s Event on the Rise

The American Bakers Association (ABA), the country’s largest, most established, and inclusive baking industry trade association, is delighted to announce its recent annual convention was the group’s most successful gathering ever.