Grain Chain, Led by ABA, Testifies on Health Benefits of Increased Grain Servings

The Grain Chain, a farm to fork coalition of stakeholders in the grain industry sector and chaired by the American Bakers Association (ABA), testified today on the nutritional benefits bread and grain-based products at the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) meeting.

Be a Mentor to Students at IBIE

Through IBIE’s Student Immersion Program, ABA is asking for volunteers to help mentor student attendees at IBIE. The benefit for them is that they can learn from a seasoned professional the ins and outs of the largest baking event in the Western Hemisphere.

You Don’t Need to be a Baker to Enroll in ABA’s Entry-Level Training

What is it like to take the Entry-Level Training Course, part of ABA’s Cookie & Cracker Academy?

Bakery Gains Power When Retailers Think Like Shoppers

Bakery has an enormous consumer following across grocery retail, and the path to further advancing engagement is to truly understand shopper preferences.

Tray Loss and Prevention Bill Championed by ABA Passes in Texas Senate Awaits Governors Signature

After months of work by the American Bakers Association, the Tray Loss and Prevention Law in Texas passed in the Texas Senate and now awaits signature into law by Governor Greg Abbott (R).