ABA Celebrates the Bread Community in Partnership with the Tiptree World Bread Award Heroes

August 20, 2020 American Bakers Association

The American Bakers Association (ABA) will celebrate the bread community in partnership with the Tiptree World Bread Award Heroes. The 2020 awards will recognize the people behind the baked goods: the bakers, millers, farmers and others in the industry who are going above and beyond to help their community.

Grain Chain Emphasizes Nutritional Value and Importance of Enriched and Whole Grains for a Healthy Diet

August 14, 2020 American Bakers Association

The Grain Chain, a farm to table coalition of stakeholders in the grain industry sector and chaired by the American Bakers Association (ABA), submitted oral and written comments on the nutritional benefits of bread and grain-based products in response to the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee’s recently released scientific report.

Grain Chain, Led By ABA, Testifies on Health Benefits of Enriched and Whole Grains

August 11, 2020 American Bakers Association

The Grain Chain, a farm to table coalition of stakeholders in the grain industry sector and chaired by the American Bakers Association (ABA), testified today on the nutritional benefits bread and grain-based products at the Dietary Guidelines Advisory Committee (DGAC) meeting.

Retail Dietitian Says Inspiration Can Overcome Mealtime Fatigue

How do you describe mealtime during the pandemic? On the one hand, it’s about consumers at home stepping up like never before to embrace cooking and meal preparation. On the other hand, this routine can seem old after a while.

Protect Bakeries Against Legal Abuses Stemming from COVID-19

The Baking industry and its suppliers continue to work the frontlines on behalf of American consumers – by maintaining the food supply and delivering wholesome, essential products.