Morgan Underwood Promoted to Assistant Manager of Allen Lund Company San Francisco

June 18, 2019 Allen Lund Company

The Allen Lund Company is pleased to announce the promotion of Morgan Underwood, from operations manager to assistant manager of the ALC San Francisco office.

Wendy Adan Promoted to Manager of ALC San Francisco

May 16, 2019 Allen Lund Company

The Allen Lund Company is pleased to announce the promotion of Wendy Adan to manager of the ALC San Francisco office.

Allen Lund Company Promotes Ryan Stephenson to Corporate Business Development Team Leader

May 14, 2019 Allen Lund Company

Ryan Stephenson has consistently been the top performing business development specialists (BDS) in the company. Ryan began his career with ALC as a transportation broker and came with 10 years of experience. In this new role, Ryan will be working with all the business development specialists (BDS) and their managers to drive new revenue opportunities for ALC.

Two Key Promotions in ALC Boston and Los Angeles Offices

May 3, 2019 Allen Lund Company

The Allen Lund Company is pleased to announce two key promotions: John Ryan to Manager of the Boston office and Joe Brindle to Manager of the Los Angeles office. Both have been recognized in their leadership and dedication to the company.

Allen Lund Company Announces Corporate Promotions

May 1, 2019 Allen Lund Company

“The Allen Lund Company has made changes to the organization, elevating current vice presidents to executive vice president status,” stated Eddie Lund, president of the company, adding “this gave us the ability to promote three very successful managers to vice president positions.”