All-America Selections Announces Sponsorship of New Jonathan Bardzik Cooking Series

All-America Selections, North America’s most well-known and respected non-profit plant trialing organization, is pleased to announce a sponsored partnership with noted industry ally, chef and storyteller, Jonathan Bardzik.

AAS Winners that Won the Gold!

May 14, 2021 All-America Selections

All-America Selections launched in 1932 as a way for home gardeners to learn which new varieties of flowers and vegetables have superior garden performance. To do so, those new varieties were trialed by volunteer judges at various companies and universities across North America.

All-America Selections and National Garden Bureau Elects New Officers and Directors during Annual Meeting

February 10, 2021 All-America Selections

National Garden Bureau (NGB) and All-America Selections recently held their annual membership update meeting to elect new officers and Directors, and to give news about the organization’s activities.

Spice Up The Garden With A Winner! Pot-a-peño Receives All-America Selections Regional Award

December 15, 2020 PanAmerican Seed

PanAmerican Seed is pleased to accept a 2021 All-America Selections Regional Award for its new Pepper Pot-a-peño. This Capsicum annuum is a Jalapeño-type that spices up vegetable gardens with a fun, unique cascading habit, high yield, and early maturing, mildly spicy fruit.

All-America Selections Honors Ornamental Breeding Achievement

September 21, 2020 All-America Selections

On Friday, September 18, 2020, All-America Selections honored an individual with impressive plant breeding credentials by presenting the 2020 AAS Breeder’s Cup award at the first-ever virtual Judge’s Meeting and Awards Ceremony.