Winners of the 2021 AAS Display Garden Landscape Design Challenge Provide Heart-Warming Stories of Diversity

November 2, 2021 All-America Selections

All-America Selections’ 2021 Landscape Design Challenge theme was Diversity in the Garden, inspiring the AAS Display Gardens with a platform to create their own diverse garden using the resources they choose to represent the theme.

All-America Selections Announces the 2021 Winner of the America In Bloom/All-America Selections Showcase Garden Contest

October 11, 2021 All-America Selections

All-America Selections (AAS) is pleased to announce the 2021 winning community in their America In Bloom/All-America Selections Showcase Garden contest.

All-America Selections Honors Industry Achiever Barry Ruta

September 24, 2021 All-America Selections

All-America Selections, the breeders, judges, board of directors and all the companies they represent, proudly salute Barry for all he has done for the industry, including the promotion of All-America Selections Winners.

All-America Selections Releases Annual Report

All-America Selections (AAS) has just released the 2020-2021 Annual Report reflecting the group’s activities from the past 12-18 months.

All-America Selections Announces Introduction Gardens for Industry

June 8, 2021 All-America Selections

All-America Selections, North America’s most well-known and respected non-profit plant trialing organization, is proud to present a new garden concept. “Introduction Gardens” are well-known growers, breeders and universities that host summer field day events that allow industry visitors to view AAS Winners in a local setting.