New to HACCP? Discover the 12 Steps to HACCP Defined by the Codex Alimentarius

Be aware that having worked in the food industry for many years does not automatically qualify you as a HACCP expert or even as a trained member of the team. As a management system that addresses food safety by evaluating and minimizing or controlling biological, chemical, and physical hazards from raw material production, procurement, and handling, to manufacturing, and its distribution, you must know the HACCP principles and be HACCP trained to join this team.

What is it about Food Safety Culture?

Hundreds of documents have been written about food safety culture, explaining what it is, what you need to do to develop a food safety culture in your facility, why it is important, and the steps you need to implement to ensure a good food safety culture in your company.

Five Common Issues Found in Packaging Inspection

Packaging materials are not typically connected with biological, chemical, or physical recalls due to contamination. However, packaging manufacturers are expected to understand, apply, and validate their processes for consistency, quality, safety, and adherence to required methods and protocols.

5 Tips To Get Ready for Summer Pests

Insects and many other pests are not any different than us when it comes to summer; they love the warm weather and will come out of the woodwork for a few months of fun. Their fun time means great challenges for people in the food industry, as many pests will start migrating to their favorite food processing facility. How can you prepare your facility to keep them at bay?

Do I Need an Inspector, an Auditor or Both?

“Some of the confusion may lie in the fact that both services, inspection, and auditing, are delivered by food safety professionals. However, their respective focus, scope of work, and responsibilities are completely different.”