As young aquaculture professionals, we have the great privilege to advance an industry that is still now in a pioneering stage. Guided by earlier explorers, we will draw from a broad range of expertise to lead the rapid expansion and diversification of global aquaculture. This industry welcomes our talents, creativity and ingenuity to meet the seafood demands of a planet with increasingly limited resources. We have an unprecedented amount of training, technology, and global connectivity available to us to solve these upcoming challenges. The possibilities are energizing. We will learn, adapt, invent, preserve and persevere.
Innovations are already surfacing that can guide us into a productive and sustainable future. Selective breeding technologies can dramatically improve the growth trajectory of relatively new species to aquaculture, enabling shorter culture cycles and greater yields. Proactive health management (rooted in a better understanding of nutrition, genetics, and the microbiome) and advances in alternative feedstuffs will drive best practices for years to come. Ongoing synergies of aquaculture with the fields of computer science, environmental modelling, and engineering continue to buoy us into new production models and frontiers.
In addition to the innovation that will drive our industry forward, my 10-year vision for aquaculture necessitates collaboration and responsibility.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Global Aquaculture Alliance