Vancouver Website Linking Fishermen To Consumers Looks To Expand Global Role

VANCOUVER – Developers of a small Canadian website that has allowed consumers to trace hundreds of thousands of fish back to those who caught them are gearing up for a global presence.

Ecotrust Canada is in talks with east-coast mussel farmers and west-coast Dungeness crab fishermen to add their products to the online traceability program offered by, says Tasha Sutcliffe, vice-president of the non-profit organization and director of its fisheries program.

Sutcliffe said her organization has also met with interested non-governmental organizations, fishermen and restaurants in Australia and has received inquiries from Portugal, Costa Rica and the U.S.

Already, the website, which launched in 2010, allows consumers to trace 16 different fisheries back to hundreds of Canadian fishermen employed on both coasts, she says.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: The Canadian Press