This is the time of year when many of us prepare elaborate meals and indulge our cravings for decadent food, but it’s also worth remembering that delicious gourmet treats can be healthy and easy to prepare. To wit: In Spain and Portugal, there is a long tradition of eating conservas, high-quality tinned fish and seafood, served straight from the can.
The fish or shellfish is steamed or fried within a day of being caught, so it’s as fresh as it gets, and then canned in olive oil, brine, or a vinegar-based sauce like escabeche, as a way to conserve it—hence the category’s name. But beyond extending these ingredients’ shelf life, canning also transforms them, even boosting the flavor the longer its stored. (There are aficionados who collect conservas and age these tins for years, as one would a fine wine.)
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