Shellfish Group Bestows Surprise Honor On Retiring Director

People call it the solar hatchery or the shellfish hatchery, but going forward the facility on Lagoon Pond that has spawned a valuable shellfish industry on Martha’s Vineyard will be known as the Richard C. Karney Solar Hatchery.

The board of directors of the Martha’s Vineyard Shellfish Group voted to name the facility after Mr. Karney and surprised him with the honor at the annual shellfish extravaganza at the Chilmark Community Center Saturday evening.

Mr. Karney announced his retirement this past November, though he still works part time at the newly-named hatchery. Standing near tables full of oysters and clams he helped propagate, Mr. Karney offered thanks to the large crowd that attended the annual celebration of shellfish.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Vineyard Gazette