Seafood Industry Research Fund Enrolls In AmazonSmile Program

McLean, VA- SIRF has registered with AmazonSmile to make donating to the seafood research nonprofit even easier. A version of the e-commerce platform, AmazonSmile makes available all of the offerings and prices as the original Amazon while dedicating a portion of every purchase to a charitable organization of the user’s choosing.

By selecting SIRF as a charity recipient, seafood advocates will secure, at no cost, 0.5% on all eligible purchases towards funding innovative, industry-improving projects.

“AmazonSmile is a convenient way to convert the online shopping experience into a supportive act,” said SIRF board member Derek Figueroa. “I have registered SIRF as my AmazonSmile charity and am glad to see my routine orders now contributing to an industry-bettering effort.”

Since launching in 2013, AmazonSmile has sent over $80 million to charities. To assist in SIRF’s fundraising, members of the seafood community are encouraged to visit and select SIRF as their designated organization or visit SIRF’s AmazonSmile page.

SIRF Chairman Russ Mentzer views AmazonSmile as a promising revenue source for the seafood study-sponsoring group.

“As an adaptive organization SIRF is always looking to diversify opportunities for giving,” said Mr. Mentzer. “AmazonSmile offers a quick and simple way to shop and support SIRF with no hassle or fee. I hope SIRF’s champions will take advantage of this program and give back to SIRF with their buying decisions. ”


The Seafood Industry Research Fund (SIRF) was established in 1964 to fund research grants to colleges, universities and other institutions for research related to the seafood industry and the consumers of its products. SIRF is supported entirely by voluntary contributions from individuals and companies in and related to the seafood industry.

Source: The Seafood Industry Research Fund (SIRF)