Revised Scallop Season Met With Enthusiasm In Florida

ST. MARKS – Chuck Shields was happy when he heard the news that scallop season was opening early, a decision made by Gov. Charlie Crist last Friday. Shield has been worried about what the oil spill could mean to Shields Marina, his family's business of more than 55 years.

"It could be devastating," Shields said. "We just built this new facility. To shut us down now would put us in quite a squeeze."

But the opening, which allows scallopers to begin harvesting Saturday, June 19 instead of July 1, when the season normally begins, could make up for potential future loss. The season ends Sept. 10.

"It could mean a 15-20 percent boost in overall profits," Shields said.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Tallahassee Democrat.

Photo by Amanda Nalley, Tallahassee Democrat