NZ King Salmon Wins Foodservice Award

Professional chefs dream of frozen products that taste great after thawing, come in the correct portion size and cut costs in the kitchen.

Add the fact that it was developed after listening to a specific customer’s needs and that’s the award-winning formula behind NZ King Salmon’s 190g Frozen Salmon Fillet Portions.

Frozen Salmon Fillet Portions has taken out the Best New Foodservice Product at the Fine Food New Zealand Awards 2010 in Auckland.

The award judges described Frozen Salmon Fillet Portions as being “for today’s fast-paced kitchens” and as “perfect for the restaurant and catering environments”. Its “benefits include no wastage, ease of use, fixed cost, reduced labour, consistency and convenience”.

NZ King Salmon marketing manager Stephen Gibson says convenience is simply achieved by taking each portion from the freezer for the day it’s required.

“Thaw the portions in a chilled environment and they can last for a further four or so days in this state. Savings are achieved through no labour cost for cutting and preparing as would be the case if a whole or fillet was purchased.

“The consistency of portion cuts means even inexperienced kitchen hands can produce the correct size. Standardised recipes and procedures can be confidently followed for quality consistent meals where costs can be easily calculated,” Gibson says.

The thermoform technology enables a fresh product to be blast frozen with the air and atmosphere extracted. The thawed portion loses none of its appearance from the day it was frozen.

“The colour, texture and look are as if the product was straight out of the portioning machine. And because the salmon is high in omega 3 oils, the product remains moist and will not dry out or be affected by freezer burn,” Gibson says.

NZ King Salmon says Frozen Salmon Fillet Portions perform equally as well as non-frozen options.

“Customer feedback has showed that not even the most regular salmon eaters can tell the difference. The fact that we’ve won a contract supplying the product to a large American restaurant chain is evidence of its value, effectiveness and quality,” Gibson says.

The cost of the frozen portions compared to the fresh chilled portions is the same to the customer once labour savings are factored in and the product has a 12 month frozen shelf life. Once it is thawed it lasts up to five days at below four degrees.

NZ King Salmon already had the portion machine technology and the thermo-former technology and was able to product Frozen Salmon Fillet Portions for a specific customer. The product is accessible from all major hospitality industry distributors.

Source: NZ King Salmon