The objection process for the MSC Fisheries Standard certification of offshore stocks for North East Artic Cod has ended, the Marine Stewardship Council has confirmed.
After a thorough consultation period between the fishery client (Norges Fiskarlag), the Conformity Assessment Body (CAB), DNV and the objector, WWF, n outcome was reached by the Independent Adjudicator (IA) who published a “Notice of Cessation” on 25 June 2021, which brings a formal end to the objection.
The agreement includes that the fishery client, Norges Fiskarlag, commit to a rebuilding plan for the golden redfish stock over time. It also submitted an action plan with several measures to improve the rebuilding of the stock and further reduce bycatch of that species.
The accepted proposals will now be implemented by DNV in a Public Certification Report for the cod fishery outside 12 nautical miles. DNV has indicated a publication date in early August which will include:
- Offshore North East Arctic cod (> 12nm) will get a new MSC-certification
- Inshore North East Arctic cod (<12 nm) will no longer be MSC certified
Norway cod and haddock certification status update May 3 2020