NOAA Reopens 8,000-Plus Square Miles Of Gulf Waters

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration officials announced the reopening of 8,403 square miles of Gulf of Mexico waters to recreational and commercial fishing.

The area extends from the Louisiana state water line to due south of the Alabama/Florida state line and was reopened after fin fish and shrimp caught in the area and tested by NOAA experts showed no signs of contamination.

The reopening was announced Monday after consultation with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration and under a reopening protocol agreed to by NOAA, the FDA and the gulf states.

"This is the first reopening where we have added a supplemental test to detect dispersants in seafood, and all the samples passed," said Jane Lubchenco, NOAA administrator and undersecretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere. "This is yet another indication that our gulf seafood is safe for consumption."

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Los Angeles Times.