The release of the 2015-2020 U.S. Dietary Guidelines for Americans (DGA’s) continues to illustrate a focus by nutrition experts on seafood as a fundamentally important food to encourage.
The DGA recommendation is that Americans eat at least 8oz of seafood per week. The recommendation for pregnant and breastfeeding women is to eat 8 to 12 oz per week.
The key difference in the 2015-2020 DGA’s is the focus on changing American dietary patters. The authors are very specific about the role seafood can and should play in that effort, noting that “shifts are needed within the protein foods group to increase seafood intake… for example, choosing a salmon steak [or] a tuna sandwich.”
Throughout the report seafood is highlighted as an “important source” of nutrients, lauded for its “health benefits” and praised for its role in “reducing risk of” heart disease.
Please look to NFI for resources on the latest Dietary Guidelines. Follows us on social media and check out our latest video about the DGA’s release.
Source: National Fisheries Institute