The Marine Stewardship Council’s (MSC) Board of Trustees and Technical Advisory Board recently released the improved ‘MSC Certification Requirements’ resulting from a 12 month project to review and consolidate all of the previously existing MSC scheme documentation.
The MSC scheme documents are used by third party certifiers who carry out fishery and supply chain assessments. The need to revise the documents was the result of the rapid evolution of the MSC certification programme over its more than 10 years of operation. In that time over 50 separate documents have been written, all of which contain requirements, guidance or both.
Integrated and streamlined
The aim of the Scheme Document Review was to consolidate and harmonise the multiple documents into one overarching document – the ‘MSC Certification Requirements’ – with a unified and consistent format that would make it easier to read, use and update. The consolidated document will come into effect in November, replacing all of the previous documents.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: Marine Stewardship Council