Maryland Oyster Farmers Support Aquaculture Efforts

HOLLYWOOD, Md. — In recent years, local watermen are making an effort maintain their livelihoods and improve the health of the Chesapeake Bay and associated waterways. Moving forward, there are efforts to allow them to continue making a living and to promote additional aquaculture in the area.

Why Oysters?

The focus shouldn’t be only on the health of the bay, said Morgan State University Patuxent Environmental and Aquatic Research Laboratory (PEARL) Director Kelton Clark. That would be similar to saying it’s someone’s fault for being sick when they have a fever. Instead, people need to think about what they can do to improve the health of the watershed and tributaries into the Chesapeake.

The cleanup will take millions of dollars, Clark said, and the money is difficult to come by. The focus needs to be on finding marketbased solutions to environmental problems, specifically encouraging local watermen to be involved in aquaculture.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: St. Mary's County Times