Louisbourg Seafoods Applauds Decision To Allow New Entrants In Canada's Offshore Clam Fishery

LOUISBOURG, NS – Louisbourg Seafoods welcomes today's announcement from the Government of Canada allowing for an expanded offshore clam fishery.

Jim Kennedy, an owner and founder of the Louisbourg Seafood Group, applauds Minister Gail Shea's leadership on this important initiative for Atlantic Canada.

"I am very happy to see Minister Shea and the Canadian government recognize what DFO Science and the advisory board governing this fishery have been saying for years: there are enough clams to allow for new entrants. This is a sustainable fishery and today's decision will allow Canadians and local communities to fully realize the benefits of this renewable resource."

Louisbourg Seafoods estimates that a new entrant into this fishery will create up to 250 new full-time, year-round, jobs in Eastern Nova Scotia. In addition, this will increase exports from Eastern Canada into Asian countries, supporting Canada's trade objectives embodied in the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade negotiations.

Kennedy added: "There's a tremendous appetite for these clams in Asia. Industry is excited to have the opportunity to expand business and compete in new global markets. This is one reason why our company is very supportive of Canada's participation in the TPP and we urge the government to complete these complex negotiations in a timely manner. We look forward to this agreement that will increase market access for Canadian seafood with 11 countries in one of the world's most dynamic economic regions. It will drive investment in our industry and create full time, durable jobs in Atlantic Canada."

ABOUT THE COMPANY – Louisbourg Seafoods is a family-operated seafood business. Founded in 1984, owners James and Lori Kennedy have built a large diversified fisher, processor, and international marketer of seafoods. The group employs upwards of 600 people in Eastern Nova Scotia and Cape Breton Island. Louisbourg Seafoods is committed to the conservation and care of ocean species and habitat as members of the British Retail Consortium (BRC) and the Marine Stewardship Council (MSC).

Source: Louisbourg Seafoods