June Gulf Shrimp Catch Down; Louisiana Landings Show Sharp Drop

NOAA’s Gulf of Mexico Data Management division has released landings data for shrimp harvested in the Gulf of Mexico for the month of June.  These data show that shrimp landings in June were significantly below historic norms and down compared to last year.

In total, NOAA reported that shrimpers in the Gulf landed 10.9 million pounds of shrimp in June, a figure 37.6% below the prior fifteen-year historic average for the month (17.5 million pounds), and nearly a million pounds less than the shrimp landed in the Gulf in June of last year (11.7 million pounds).  Although landings in Texas for the month – 3.0 million pounds – were equal to the prior fifteen-year historic average for June and the highest since 2012, landings in Louisiana were the lowest recorded for any June in the NOAA data compiled by the Southern Shrimp Alliance.  Last month, shrimpers in Louisiana landed 4.5 million pounds of shrimp, 58.0% below the prior fifteen-year historic average of 10.6 million pounds.

Generally, for the month of June, shrimp landed in Louisiana accounts for half or more of the shrimp landed in the Gulf for the month.  In June 2012, shrimp landed in Louisiana (6.5 million pounds) comprised only 46.1% of total Gulf landings for the month (14.1 million pounds), but that has been the lowest that Louisiana’s share of June landings had fallen until this year.  Last month, landings in Louisiana accounted for only 41.0% of total Gulf landings.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Southern Shrimp Alliance