GSI Announces Membership Drive On First Anniversary

In June of 2013, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Fish Fry in Washington, D.C. became the setting for the birth what was quickly to become one of the strongest and loudest voices for the Gulf of Mexico and the seafood it produces, The Gulf Seafood Institute.

A group of Gulf-wide seafood industry leaders recognized their voice was at risk of being drowned out by conflicting messages threatening the Gulf seafood community’s unique way of life. They decided to combine forces to speak with one voice during a trip to the nations Capitol to present Congressional testimony and sponsor the fish fry. Determined to fight for their industry with passion and conviction, these leaders took a bold leap in establishing the new organization.

“The mission of GSI is to unite the seafood community from all five Gulf coast states in a collective effort to protect our culture and elevate our brand with consumers, customers and decision makers through advocacy, education, and science,” said GSI’s president Harlon Pearce who was instrumental in the formation of the Gulf wide organization in July of 2013.

To read the rest of the story, please go to: Gulf Seafood News