YCLOSKEY, La. — Brad Robin has been an oyster fisherman all his life, like four of his six brothers and his 84 year-old father. Shaking his head and speaking softly, he said the family business is in trouble as the BP oil spill spreads closer every day to the Louisiana shores and the marshlands that make up the southernmost part of this state.
Speaking to People's World reporters on a stretch of docks in the Bayou here he said, "I just had to lay off the 50 workers you would be seeing all over the place here and out on these waters. The trailers I have over there should be rented out for the season. They are empty now." A few yards away there was a stack of crab traps that, he said, "should be out there in the water now."
A short distance from Robin's stretch of docks the Small Business Administration has set up a trailer advertising loans for people like him who are in trouble.
To read the rest of the story, please go to: People's World.