DENVER, COLORADO – Colorado’s largest seafood supplier, Seattle Fish Co., paves the way for sustainable seafood nationwide. For the first time ever, Seattle Fish Co. measures their overall impact based on pounds of carbon dioxide (emitted both within their own operation and in their supply chain) in their public 2022 Impact Report. The leader in seafood supply continues to be a driving force with sustainability at the core of their ethos, from their unique Eco Score Program and annual energy, waste, and water reduction targets, to their investment in Fishery Improvement Projects and commitment to product traceability.
“Our annual Impact Report is a way to reflect on progress made, track goals achieved, identify how we can make the biggest difference in our carbon footprint in the year to come and ultimately inspire others to do the same,” shares CEO and former National Fisheries Institute Chair Derek Figueroa. “We’re devoted to sustainable, big-picture best practices – from responsible sourcing to 24/7 handling, to reducing waste and energy use at every opportunity, and striving to educate and inform our employees, our customers and the public on why we do what we do.”
Between 2015 and 2022 Seattle Fish Co. has…
· Reduced Electricity usage per pound of production by 39%
· Reduced Water usage per pound of production by 30%
· Reduce Trash to Landfill per pound produced by 73%
They estimate their total carbon intensity at 4.1lbs of CO2 per lb of product they sell.
“This report made our biggest opportunities for progress clear,” shares Chief Sustainability and development Officer Hamish Walker. “While efficiency or our internal operations will always be a focus, by far the largest parts of our carbon footprint are from the catching or farming of fish, and the freight to get it to us. By improving efficiency and reducing emissions in these areas, and providing information to our customers to help them make lower carbon choices, I feel confident we can make a real difference in the years to come.”
Seattle Fish Co.’s Denver customers are familiar with the Eco-Score program, a unique guide that gives buyers clarity to make easy, informed purchasing decisions that result in a direct, positive change to the health of our oceans. “We’re proud to be the first seafood distributor in the industry to offer a completely free program and tool like this to our customers,” shares Walker.
About Seattle Fish Co.
For more than 100 years, Seattle Fish Co. has been dedicated to serving those who serve others. Recognized for playing a major role in making fresh seafood available in the Rocky Mountain region, Seattle Fish Company sources and distributes sustainable seafood and gourmet provisions daily from around the world, providing products of the highest quality to over 1,400 restaurants and retailers. Seattle Fish Co. is dedicated to fostering sustainable fishing practices, including supporting local aquaculture farms, as well as fishery improvement projects around the world, ensuring that seafood as a healthful protein is available for all, for generations to come. For more information, please visit Seattle Fish Company’s website at www.seattlefish.com