BILOXI, Miss. – In addition to waters previously opened to shrimping on May 22, 2023, all waters south and west of a line beginning at Beacon “18” in the Biloxi Bay Channel, running northwesterly to Beacon “22” in the Biloxi Bay Channel, northwesterly to Beacon “26” in the Biloxi Bay Channel, westerly to Beacon “34” (exclusive of the Biloxi Channel itself), westerly to Beacon “30” in the Biloxi Channel (exclusive of the Biloxi Channel itself) and then due south to a point on Deer Island are hereby declared and ordered opened as of 6 a.m. on Saturday, October 7, 2023, for shrimping as provided by law and the regulations of the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources.
Shrimp season shall close at 11:59 p.m. on December 31, 2023, except south of the Intracoastal Waterway. In addition, all waters south of the Intracoastal Waterway and west of the Gulfport Ship Channel shall close to shrimping activities except live bait shrimping at 11:59 p.m. on April 30, 2024.
All regulations set forth of the Mississippi Department of Marine Resources are to be in full force and effect and all boats engaged in catching or transporting shrimp in or from the waters of the State of Mississippi must be licensed by the commission before beginning operations.
This order will take effect and be in force from and after 6 a.m. on October 7, 2023.
The Mississippi Department of Marine Resources is dedicated to enhancing, protecting and conserving marine interests of the state by managing all marine life, public trust wetlands, adjacent uplands and waterfront areas to provide for the optimal commercial, recreational, educational and economic uses of these resources consistent with environmental concerns and social changes. Visit the DMR online at dmr.ms.gov.